We have a new site www.g-lish.org where you can read all articles from This is Ghana in a much more organised fashion. Read Rainy season bounty there.
Gotta love the rainy season: verdant fields sprouting maize, temperatures dropping below 30, and goats tied up so they don't jump over the wall and eat my veggie patch and everyone else's crops. The mud huts are typical of this region. Those are out the back of our place. Round for women, square for men. The danger is that too much rain can soften the mud bricks so that the buildings collapse. Everyone is busily mending weak structures (bit late, but Ghana time...). I helped smooth the wall of an old Auntie's dwelling recently. It was one of my best experiences in Ghana. Her part was beautifully smooth, mine was kind of lumpy. They use especially polished quartz stones to smooth the mud that is hand mixed and slapped up. The connection was great.