We have a new site www.g-lish.org where you can read all articles from This is Ghana in a much more organised fashion. Read A bare-faced promo: Fair Trade Event in London this Sat there.
If you're in Leytonstone, London, pop along to a fun day of African-inspired activities this Saturday. This is a fund raiser organised by my very good friend Liz to raise money to build a school in Butre, Ghana. They've been working on the project for the past couple of years, with plenty of past fundraisers, and you can help give them a boost. There's even Bollywood dancing, and why not? I don't know what the chocolate fountain is, but if I were you, I'd go check it out. And, of course, the drumming!
Butre is the destination of a popular backpacker lodge, Ellis Hideout, but also happens to have a serious elephantiasis problem which affects long-term residents. When I visited I met a man whose entire leg was swollen from the disease. Their school will include a clinic to address that problem in particular, as well as provide a much-needed boost to the existing educational facilities. And if you see my friend Liz (she has the wild curly hair), say hi!