We have a new site www.g-lish.org where you can read every article from This is Ghana--in a much more organised fashion--and download the free Insider's Guide to Volunteering.
We have posted the Insider’s Guide to Volunteering at our new site: G-lish Please visit the "Volunteering Guide" page/tab to click and quickly download a copy of the guide. No sign up or anything necessary. If you do like what you see, then you’re welcome to sign up on the right-hand side of the page to receive our posts in your inbox in future.
Also, you can read our first new post at the site: Welcome to G-lish.
Please feel free to email the volunteer guide to friends, colleagues, associates and anyone you think might be interested. It’s free. No strings. No sign-ups, unless you want to. We’d love feedback, though. So, if you want to comment please go to G-lish and click on the Volunteering Guide page tab. There is plenty of space for comments. We’re also on twitter at @glishnews.
Finally, a happy and safe Christmas to everyone! Be careful. Stay safe. No drinking Akpetushie and driving, OK! But do eat fufu. Life is good with fufu.