Hi there!!
A long time reader contacted me about an organisation that needs a little assistance from you.Reach for the Stars is a small group of committed people with strong links to Ghana. Much like myself, some of them spent time volunteering in Ghana and developed close connections with the children they worked with, in particular.
When I received the notice about their work, I totally understood. I also connected with the students I worked with and can understand the need to want to see those kids have a chance to succeed.
The main problem for many students in Ghana is finding enough money for school fees. The amounts needed are small by Western Standards, but go a long way here in Ghana. It's all relative.
If a parent takes home 100 Ghana Cedis per month, but school fees for one child are 20 Cedis per month, then they pay 20% of their income towards their child's fees. I'm not sure what you make per month, but could you afford to pay 20% of it per child per month for their education?
This is a big problem here. Most parents can't afford that kind of ratio. Often the ration is much higher. As a result, Shallee and a few others have developed an organisation to help some children go to high school--the final years.
It's a make or break time for these kids. The difference between toiling as labourers or possibly being able to go on to higher education. You can make a difference with a donation as small as US$5. I know you read this all the time. But it's true. Even better, $50 will help in the same way that $500 would help in the States or the UK. Possibly more, because these kids don't have a fall back option.
I hope you'll check out the site Reach for the Stars and click the icon on the right to make a contribution!
Thank you!