Comment and Win: Twitter Users to Follow #Ghana

Twitter is a great way to get updates about what is going on in your niche anywhere in the world. Some of the more interesting and useful twitter people to follow relating to things Ghana include:

@silverbirdghana for movie screening update times from the cinema at Accra Mall.

@modernghanaweb for breaking news relating to Ghana. Very useful.

@macjordan one of Ghana's top tweeters and bloggers

@gaylepesscud The author of this blog. If you would like to follow, head to I write about all things Ghana as well as design, development and "green" issues from around the world. Am also a not-so-secret Barca fan and love getting game updates.

If you have any more suggestions about interesting/useful/bizarre Ghana related Tweeps to follow, or wish to add your own twitter ID and Ghana interest, go for it in the comments below.

Everyone who comments has a chance to win a copy of our Ghana Travel Guide. Yep. As simple as adding your Twitter ID. Add someone else's too if you think readers might be interested: one or two or three...whatever you like. Bonus points if you retweet this post with @gaylepescud in the tweet.

Look forward to giving away a free Ghana travel guide or maybe two or three ;).

And, I look forward to meeting new Tweeps to follow myself. :)

EDIT: 26 August, 2010

Hello and a big thank you to those who commented in the Ghana guide giveaway.
@MacJordan: We should do a long list of twitterers! Let’s start.
We shall see if we can bring a long list to our blog readers.
Twitter: f you’re new to twitter and wondering what all the #(hash) signed words mean, you can look up which explains a lot of twitter terminology. Thanks @IndolentFop
If you’re still reading, the @ sign indicates a Twitter users name on twitter.
As for me, I’m plain old @gaylepescud…For our other site G-lish it is @glishnews
I found it very difficult to choose winners since this is, after all, our first competition—but not our last.

Because we feel like being generous, we decided to give a Ghana guide to everyone who made the effort to comment on this post—as per the competition guidelines!
Congrats. We hope you enjoy the guide. Don’t forget to email or comment with feedback.

I shall be contacting you by twitter ID or email today/tomorrow with how to access the guide materials.

We’ll be giving away more prizes here soon, especially fun Bolga basket stuff. “You have to be in it to win it,” as they say. If you want a chance to win prizes yourself please join in.

We’ll also be giving lots of great goodies away at G-lish, the sister site. for people all over the world. So go check it out and get ready to win…our popular recycled Bolga baskets among other things.