Writers and generally curious folks may be interested to discover a wonderful blog focused on poetry called Poetry Soundbites by Kodjo Deynoo. Please click through and check it out.
I also came across a few interesting blogs written by foreigners living in Ghana. The more perspectives the better for potential travelers.
A Tiger in Ghana is one such blog.
"Through Princeton's Bridge Year Program, I am excited to be one of five students living for nine months in Ghana. The first half will be in Accra, Ghana's capital, living with a homestay family, working in NGOs, and learning to speak Twi. For the second half we will move to the small village of Oguaa, to serve as tutors in local middle schools."
And this was an interesting view of Accra by someone who popped in for 14 hours. What would you capture if you had 14 hours in Ghana? Sometimes I wish I could have "fresh" eyes to see Ghana anew, but knowing everything I know now. Failing that, I'm curious to see what others' "fresh" eyes pick up when they fly in and out for a short time.