Interview with Godwin Yidana on writing a travel guide book

I interviewed Godwin about his experience writing the guide book and this is what he had to say about his experience.

What was the most challenging part of writing the guide book?

Getting the information we needed about transport systems in the different cities as we do not have an organized transport system in Ghana. Somehow it’s organized in its own way, but getting different stations prices and destination details was tough.

What was the most exciting part?

Walking up to hotel owners and transport managers and drivers and asking specific questions and pretending to be a customer to get the information was fun. Having to write things that I didn’t think I had the ability to write like Meeting a Chief or the part on Festivals. When we sat on a daily basis discussing, sharing ideas, how we’ll write the guide, how we’ll structure it was exciting too.

What would you like to say to readers?

I hope readers have a wonderful time reading and using the guide and that it will be as helpful to them as we intended when we set out to write it. We hope they find it simple, up to date and you can understand it, whether you’ve been to Ghana or not. We look forward to their honest critique.

Anything else you want to say about the experience?

Of all the people on earth I never thought I’d embark on a project like this. I never thought I’d write a guide. I was busy trying to get a full time job with a new organisation but writing the guide was much more fruitful. It was an amazing experience.

What will you be working on next?

We’ll be working on keeping the guide up to date. And next we’ll be looking at a basket project with a community of women in Bolgatanga. You’ll be very surprised when you see what we do—it’s nothing like you’ve seen before. We will let you know when this has started.