Are You Mad: Young People

You can read the next in our serious Are You Mad: Young People at G-lish. This post focuses on the differences we can make in the lives of children and youth around the world.We hope it inspires you to shake things up in your part of the world. Here is an excerpt:

'Unfortunately, in much of the developing world young people don’t have a voice. Many factors underlie this including socio-cultural norms such as “children must be seen and not heard” (Ghana), or there is no youth policy to address specific youth needs (Ghana, too).

If you’ve traveled in developing countries you’ll know that many children begin working from the moment they can walk. Here, where we live, I’m no longer shocked to see four, five or six year old girls carrying their baby siblings on their back, wrapped in cloth, while simultaneously carrying oranges on their head to sell for 5 cents in the market so they can make a few cents for the day. This is completely, abhorrently, normal. This also touches on education—denying these children an education because they’re outside making money trading on the streets.'

Check out ways you can make a difference and read the whole post at G-lish, Are you Mad: Young People.

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