This idea hit me about the same time the storm hit last night and while I was feeling a little malaria-ish. Ish. Not too bad. Better now. Not sure what it was, just the usual symptoms, but mild. Anyway. This is jus an idea.
Free accommodation you say? Free hotels?
Well, I'm throwing this idea out to you, feisty folks.
Visitors to Ghana: What do you think about a kind of host/exchange stay network in which you would get to stay for a nominal, small fee in the homes of Ghanaians while traveling around Ghana? The basic idea is to stay with a family or individuals (hmmm, potential issues) and show them how to do something. Stay/exchange, basically.
Ghanaians: What do you think about the idea of hosting visitors for a nominal fee to cover the basics, but they are obliged to teach you something that you want to know about in exchange for the very low cost?
Hosts might want to know how to start a blog, how to type, how to format a PC, how to write an email, how to fix a car or build a new summer hut. These are skills that visiting travelers may have and be willing to offer families in exchange for staying with them.You'd tick boxes to say what skills you'd want and someone looking for rooms could work out their plans by checking out where they could help out.
I'd do it.
I think it would be a win/win but there could be some issues. Do you think this would work?
Sort of in the couchsurfing vein, but giving back. Couchsurfing, incidentally, is where you get to stay for free on others' couches while traveling the world.
By the way, I just looked up Ghana on couchsurfing--668 couches apparently. OK, so the idea is possible. Check out all the couches in Ghana. You can stay for free in Ghana.
The room/volunteer a hand exchange thing in Ghana could work something like that.
Well, that was my crazy malarial/storm idea, let's just hope it doesn't start raining geckoes or we're all buggared.
This photo of Larabanga Mosque in Tamale in the Northern Region is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons by Erik Kristensen.
This photo of Larabanga Mosque in Tamale in the Northern Region is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons by Erik Kristensen.